•  Free consultation with a NH SOLAR ON SCHOOLS professional that includes:

•  Site evaluation – Is there a location on your school roof or grounds appropriate for solar?

•  Technical evaluation – Is interconnection of a solar energy system feasible?


•  FREE Financial evaluation

•  Does your school qualify for grants?

•  What financing options are available

•  Does the school qualify for a “No Money Down” model;

•  Power Purchase Agreement

•  Low-interest financing

•  How much money will you save with solar


•  We provide an educational resource package with each solar PV energy system we install for a school. This package includes;

•  Solar Energy and Energy Curriculum resources

•  Training for school energy teacher(s) on use of the Solar Data Acquisition System that is provided with the solar PV energy system.

•  $200 toward the energy curriculum tools that you choose from a variety of options